Sunday, July 27, 2008

Taking the Slop Out of a R34 GT-t Steering.

For most people, there's nothing wrong with the steering feel of the R34 GT-t. That is until you get a chance to drive the R34 GTR. That's what happened to one of our customers. Actually, he's owned several GTRs before he got his hands on this GT-t, and he was not satisfied with the differences between the GTR and GT-t.

Many people think that, aside from the Engine and Drivetrain, the differences of these two cars are only skin deep. If that were true, the price difference between the two cars would be much less. I'm not going to get into the vast differences here, but here's a big difference.

Above is the steering rack taken out of the R34 GT-t

And here's a brand new steering rack from a BNR34.

As you can see, the mounting is very different between the two models. That's part of the reason why the steering feel is so different. This, of course, means it's not a bolt-on type of modification. So here's what we did...

And from a different angle...
It's not just the mounting that's different. Since the whole subframe design is entirely different between the two models, so are the lines. Instead of fabricating lines from scratch, we opted to use/modify the GTR and GT-t lines. A little time on the lathe and a little brazing later, it was all done.
Here's the midified rack and lines installed.

Unfortuantely, we won't find out how well this combo will work untill we get the car running. Still more work to be done...

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